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  • Implementing design thinking for efficiency in Ghana's public sector | Akweidata

    < Back Implementing design thinking for efficiency in Ghana's public sector This research paper introduces a remedy for Ghana's weak public sector by exploring the implementation of Design Thinking into the sector's practices. The study employs a sequential mixed-method approach. Using Key Performance Indicators, the quantitative approach assessed the efficiency of Ghana's Public sector. Secondly, using the qualitative method of document analysis, insights on the use of design thinking in several public sectors were brought to light. Results revealed that it is best to employ design thinking in Ghana's public sector for the sake of improving the service delivery of public services. Due to the weakness of Ghana's public sector, core societal needs such as sanitation and health care access are inadequately met. As such, said areas are likely to be the best beneficiaries of the design approach in Ghana's public sector. Results also pointed out that if design thinking is to be implemented in Ghana's public sector, government projects should be rolled out by local governments as opposed to the federal level and that significant expertise would need to come via private sector collaborations. Undergrad Thesis .pdf Download PDF • 1.01MB Previous Next

  • Data Visualization of the Dynamic Efficiency of Oil and Gas Production in Ghana | Akweidata

    < Back Data Visualization of the Dynamic Efficiency of Oil and Gas Production in Ghana A comprehensive tool for understanding the Real-time Efficiency of Oil and Gas production in Ghana Welcome to my R Shiny web app, the "Data Visualization of the Dynamic Efficiency of Oil and Gas Production in Ghana.” This web app leverages a myriad of data science techniques, including interactive visualizations, machine learning, sentiment analysis, natural language processing, data analytic tools and web scraping, to provide real-time, comprehensive analysis of Ghana’s oil and gas sector. The goal is to enhance information efficiency, market efficiency, and resource management efficiency, making it a valuable tool for practitioners, academics, and policymakers alike. The application is primarily centred on Ghana, especially regarding the visualizations. However, the data analytic tools developed can be applied to all markets and regions. Additionally, despite the application presenting key insights and tools that are applicable to both the Oil and Gas industry, greater emphasis was placed on Oil production due to its overall greater share of Ghana’s energy market and its more dynamic nature. anum_sean_data_science_final_report .pdf Download PDF • 2.66MB Previous Next

  • Manipulating File Paths: Backward to Foward Slashes | Akweidata

    < Back Manipulating File Paths: Backward to Foward Slashes A program made to convert backward slashes in file path names to foward slashes. Targeted for Windows users when copying paths to R or Pthon. Previous Next

  • Value at Risk (VaR) for a portfolio | Akweidata

    < Back Value at Risk (VaR) for a portfolio Simple Tool using a historical simulation to find VaR Previous Next

  • Home | akweidata

    Quant Projects View Directory Notable Projects Data Visualization of the Dynamic Efficiency of Oil and Gas Production in Ghana Zurich Real Estate Hedonic Valuation Model Real-time: Ghana Stock Exchange Data Viewer The Solow Model and Human Capital in Developing Economies Sustainability Dimensions of Stocks on the SIX:Render 4 Google News Scrapper Proving the Butterfly Effect Alternative Data Regressor: V1

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    About Portfolio by Sean Akwei Anum - a Master of Science in Finance Student at the University of Neuchatel

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    Directory All Alternatives Data Tools Sustainability Emerging Markets EU & North America Project Name Short Project Description URL Photography Tool: Black & White Conversion A basic photo editor to convert PNG pictures from color to Black and White /projects-1/photography-tool%3A-black-%26-white-conversion How much time do I have left? - Version 2 Visualizing and Quantifying our most valuable asset: "Time"; Version 2 Prisoner's Dilemma: Player 2 Allowing users to participate in Robert Axelrod's 1980 Computer Tournament. /projects-1/prisoner's-dilemma%3A-player-2 Initial margin requirement for Derivative Trading A simplified VaR-based approach to calculate the initial margin requirement for Derivative Trading /projects-1/initial-margin-requirement-for-derivative-trading Expected Loss Calculator A simple tool to calculate the Expected Loss for a credit portfolio. /projects-1/expected-loss-calculator Value at Risk (VaR) for a portfolio Simple Tool using a historical simulation to find VaR Game Theory: Prisoner's Dilemma Strategies Tools Recreating and Simulating Robert Axelrod's 1980 Computer Tournament. /projects-1/game-theory%3A-prisoner's-dilemma-strategies-tools How Much Time Do I have left? Visualizing and Quantifying our most valuable asset: "Time" /projects-1/how-much-time-do-i-have-left%3F Implementing design thinking for efficiency in Ghana's public sector This research paper introduces a remedy for Ghana's weak public sector by exploring the implementation of Design Thinking into the sector's practices. /projects-1/implementing-design-thinking-for-efficiency-in-ghana's-public-sector Hollywood Boulevard to Wall Street: Futurism in Movies and Tech-Stock Prices This study investigates the relationship between the box office sales of futurism-themed movies and the performance of the tech stock index. /projects-1/hollywood-boulevard-to-wall-street%3A-futurism-in-movies-and-tech-stock-prices - Draft 1 Restructuring & Simplifying "Frankenstein codes" /projects-1/ Data Visualization of the Dynamic Efficiency of Oil and Gas Production in Ghana A comprehensive tool for understanding the Real-time Efficiency of Oil and Gas production in Ghana /projects-1/data-visualization-of-the-dynamic-efficiency-of-oil-and-gas-production-in-ghana Hedonic Valuation Model: Real Estate in Zurich With significant portions of banks portfolios consisting of mortgage loans, it is paramount to develop a strong model for valuating real estate. /projects-1/hedonic-valuation-model%3A-real-estate-in-zurich Manipulating File Paths: Backward to Foward Slashes A program made to convert backward slashes in file path names to foward slashes. Targeted for Windows users when copying paths to R or Pthon. /projects-1/manipulating-file-paths%3A-backward-to-foward-slashes Beta of Fan Milk Ltd (FML): Ghana Stock Exchange (GSE) Finding the Beta of FML on the GSE using Python (Jupyter Notebook) /projects-1/beta-of-fan-milk-ltd-(fml)%3A-ghana-stock-exchange-(gse) Fixed Deposits Offers in Ghana A simple directory that shows Fixed Deposit offers in Ghana /projects-1/fixed-deposits-offers-in-ghana Plain Vanilla Bond Price Calculator A web application that takes the arguments of FV, Coupon Rate, YTM and Periods to price a Plain Vanilla Bond /projects-1/plain-vanilla-bond-price-calculator Convering Excel to CSV: Web Application A basic Web application written in HTML and Javascript to convert excel files to CSV. /projects-1/convering-excel-to-csv%3A-web-application Electricity Consumption as a proxy of production: Draft 1 Using publicly available data on Swiss Power Consumption, this exploration seeks to identify an association with power consumption and select firms output /projects-1/electricity-consumption-as-a-proxy-of-production%3A-draft-1 Ghana Stock Exchange: Real-Time Prices Web App V1 A basic web-application to find real time summaries of stocks on Ghana's Stock Exchange (GSE) /projects-1/ghana-stock-exchange%3A-real-time-prices-web-app-v1 Do Sustainable Funds in Switzerland outperform the Market? What is the performance of "sustainable" funds in relation to the market? Let's explore the case of the SIX Swiss Exchange /projects-1/do-sustainable-funds-in-switzerland-outperform-the-market%3F Dynamic View of Trading Hours: SIX Swiss Exchange V1 Dynamic View of the opening and closing hours of the SIX Swiss Stock exchange for 2024. Additionally, current summary of the market's activity is stated. /projects-1/dynamic-view-of-trading-hours%3A-six-swiss-exchange-v1 Sustainability Dimensions of Stocks on the SIX:Render 3 Quantitatively assessing Brundtland's Dimensions (1987). The case of the SIX Web-Scrapper V1: Web Application Web Application for web-scrapping news articles /projects-1/web-scrapper-v1%3A-web-application Is ignorance truly bliss? Investigating the link between the lack of general information and the conception of the economy in Ghana. Project from 2018 /projects-1/is-ignorance-truly-bliss%3F- Alternative Data Regressor: V1 A Python Program to attain a linear regression of some alternative data against financial asset prices . A CSV file is the input. The output is the regression results. /projects-1/alternative-data-regressor%3A-v1 Alternative Data Regressor Framework: Flow Chart A framework for linear regression of alternative data against financial asset prices - the flow chart /projects-1/alternative-data-regressor-framework%3A-flow-chart Paradox of Choice and Utility Maximization: Music Traditional Asset Pricing models are conceptually based on utility maximization. However, what about the role of the quantity of choices in utility maximization? /projects-1/paradox-of-choice-and-utility-maximization%3A-music ESG Strategies: Passive and Active Management Do the laws of passive and active strategies also affect sustainability investing? /projects-1/esg-strategies%3A-passive-and-active-management Web scrapping Box Office Sales A python code used to web scrape data from Box Office Mojo's Website. /projects-1/web-scrapping-box-office-sales Alternative Data Regressor Framework: Draft 1 A framework for linear regression of alternative data against financial asset prices /projects-1/alternative-data-regressor-framework%3A-draft-1 Scrapping Oil related articles Run on python via GoogleCollab /projects-1/scrapping-oil-related-articles Sustainability Dimensions of Stocks on the SIX:Render 2 Quantitatively assessing Brundtland's Dimensions (1987). The case of the SIX /projects-1/sustainability-dimensions-of-stocks-on-the-six%3Arender-2 Smartphone App for University Students An all-purpose app for Ashesi students. Project from 2017 /projects-1/smartphone-app-for-university-students Proving the Butterfly Effect Within the context of metreology and physics, we can explore the butterfly effect /projects-1/proving-the-butterfly-effect Cocoa Production: Ghana and Ivory Coast - Historic Trend Work in progress /projects-1/cocoa-production%3A-ghana-and-ivory-coast---historic-trend Cocoa Production: West Africa - 2022 Work in progress /projects-1/cocoa-production%3A-west-africa---2022 Cocoa Production: Ghana and Ivory Coast - 2022 Summary of Cocoa Production in Ghana and Ivory Coast in 2022. /projects-1/cocoa-production%3A-ghana-and-ivory-coast---2022 Commentary: Washington’s Decision to “Normalize” Relations with Cuba..." An economic commentary on the article "Washington’s Decision to “Normalize” Relations with Cuba: Impede China’s Growing Influence in Latin America" /projects-1/commentary%3A-washington%E2%80%99s-decision-to-%E2%80%9Cnormalize%E2%80%9D-relations-with-cuba...%22 Commentary: Brexit could lead to recession, says Bank of England An economic commentary on the article "Brexit could lead to recession, says Bank of England" /projects-1/commentary%3A-brexit-could-lead-to-recession%2C-says-bank-of-england Commentary: Ghana fixes new cocoa price to control smuggling An economic commentary on the Article, "Ghana fixes new cocoa price to control smuggling" /projects-1/commentary%3A-ghana-fixes-new-cocoa-price-to-control-smuggling Sustainability Dimensions of Stocks on the SIX:Render 1 Quantitatively assessing Brundtland's Dimensions (1987). The case of the SIX http://sustainability-dimensions-of-stocks-on-the-six%3Arender-1 The Solow Model and Human Capital in Developing Economies How can human capital enrichment lead to long-run economic growth? /projects-1/the-solow-model-and-human-capital-in-developing-economies Scrapping Data using Python A Python application designed to generate a histogram depicting the frequency of articles published on Google News in 2022 concerning '@celebjets'. /projects-1/scrapping-data-using-python Dynamic View of Ghana's Unemployment Investigating the trend and segmentation of employment in Ghana /projects-1/dynamic-view-of-ghana's-unemployment Google News Scrapper Scrape Google News articles for a particulair keyword and date range /projects-1/google-news-scrapper Dynamic view of Ghana's Insurance Industry Work in progress /projects-1/dynamic-view-of-ghana's-insurance-industry Snapshot Macroeconomic Summary of ECOWAS States: 2022 As at the end of 2022, this is was the macroeconomic status of each ECOWAS state http://snapshot-macroeconomic-summary-of-ecowas Dynamic Forestry and Agricultural Summary of ECOWAS states Work in progress /projects-1/dynamic-forestry-and-agricultural-summary-of-ecowas-states Financial Performance of Ghana's political regimes from 1960 - 2000 Analysis of Economic Growth in Ghana, 1960 – 2000 – ARYEETEY & FOSU /projects-1/financial-performance-of-ghana's-political-regimes-from-1960---2000 Dynamic view of Ghana's Forestry Work in progress /projects-1/dynamic-view-of-ghana's-forestry Project Name Short Project Description URL Photography Tool: Black & White Conversion A basic photo editor to convert PNG pictures from color to Black and White /projects-1/photography-tool%3A-black-%26-white-conversion How much time do I have left? - Version 2 Visualizing and Quantifying our most valuable asset: "Time"; Version 2 Prisoner's Dilemma: Player 2 Allowing users to participate in Robert Axelrod's 1980 Computer Tournament. /projects-1/prisoner's-dilemma%3A-player-2 Initial margin requirement for Derivative Trading A simplified VaR-based approach to calculate the initial margin requirement for Derivative Trading /projects-1/initial-margin-requirement-for-derivative-trading Expected Loss Calculator A simple tool to calculate the Expected Loss for a credit portfolio. /projects-1/expected-loss-calculator Value at Risk (VaR) for a portfolio Simple Tool using a historical simulation to find VaR Game Theory: Prisoner's Dilemma Strategies Tools Recreating and Simulating Robert Axelrod's 1980 Computer Tournament. /projects-1/game-theory%3A-prisoner's-dilemma-strategies-tools How Much Time Do I have left? Visualizing and Quantifying our most valuable asset: "Time" /projects-1/how-much-time-do-i-have-left%3F - Draft 1 Restructuring & Simplifying "Frankenstein codes" /projects-1/ Data Visualization of the Dynamic Efficiency of Oil and Gas Production in Ghana A comprehensive tool for understanding the Real-time Efficiency of Oil and Gas production in Ghana /projects-1/data-visualization-of-the-dynamic-efficiency-of-oil-and-gas-production-in-ghana Hedonic Valuation Model: Real Estate in Zurich With significant portions of banks portfolios consisting of mortgage loans, it is paramount to develop a strong model for valuating real estate. /projects-1/hedonic-valuation-model%3A-real-estate-in-zurich Manipulating File Paths: Backward to Foward Slashes A program made to convert backward slashes in file path names to foward slashes. Targeted for Windows users when copying paths to R or Pthon. /projects-1/manipulating-file-paths%3A-backward-to-foward-slashes Beta of Fan Milk Ltd (FML): Ghana Stock Exchange (GSE) Finding the Beta of FML on the GSE using Python (Jupyter Notebook) /projects-1/beta-of-fan-milk-ltd-(fml)%3A-ghana-stock-exchange-(gse) Fixed Deposits Offers in Ghana A simple directory that shows Fixed Deposit offers in Ghana /projects-1/fixed-deposits-offers-in-ghana Plain Vanilla Bond Price Calculator A web application that takes the arguments of FV, Coupon Rate, YTM and Periods to price a Plain Vanilla Bond /projects-1/plain-vanilla-bond-price-calculator Convering Excel to CSV: Web Application A basic Web application written in HTML and Javascript to convert excel files to CSV. /projects-1/convering-excel-to-csv%3A-web-application Ghana Stock Exchange: Real-Time Prices Web App V1 A basic web-application to find real time summaries of stocks on Ghana's Stock Exchange (GSE) /projects-1/ghana-stock-exchange%3A-real-time-prices-web-app-v1 Sustainability Dimensions of Stocks on the SIX:Render 3 Quantitatively assessing Brundtland's Dimensions (1987). The case of the SIX Web-Scrapper V1: Web Application Web Application for web-scrapping news articles /projects-1/web-scrapper-v1%3A-web-application Alternative Data Regressor: V1 A Python Program to attain a linear regression of some alternative data against financial asset prices . A CSV file is the input. The output is the regression results. /projects-1/alternative-data-regressor%3A-v1 Alternative Data Regressor Framework: Flow Chart A framework for linear regression of alternative data against financial asset prices - the flow chart /projects-1/alternative-data-regressor-framework%3A-flow-chart Web scrapping Box Office Sales A python code used to web scrape data from Box Office Mojo's Website. /projects-1/web-scrapping-box-office-sales Scrapping Oil related articles Run on python via GoogleCollab /projects-1/scrapping-oil-related-articles Sustainability Dimensions of Stocks on the SIX:Render 2 Quantitatively assessing Brundtland's Dimensions (1987). The case of the SIX /projects-1/sustainability-dimensions-of-stocks-on-the-six%3Arender-2 Proving the Butterfly Effect Within the context of metreology and physics, we can explore the butterfly effect /projects-1/proving-the-butterfly-effect Google News Scrapper Scrape Google News articles for a particulair keyword and date range /projects-1/google-news-scrapper Project Name Short Project Description URL Implementing design thinking for efficiency in Ghana's public sector This research paper introduces a remedy for Ghana's weak public sector by exploring the implementation of Design Thinking into the sector's practices. /projects-1/implementing-design-thinking-for-efficiency-in-ghana's-public-sector Data Visualization of the Dynamic Efficiency of Oil and Gas Production in Ghana A comprehensive tool for understanding the Real-time Efficiency of Oil and Gas production in Ghana /projects-1/data-visualization-of-the-dynamic-efficiency-of-oil-and-gas-production-in-ghana Beta of Fan Milk Ltd (FML): Ghana Stock Exchange (GSE) Finding the Beta of FML on the GSE using Python (Jupyter Notebook) /projects-1/beta-of-fan-milk-ltd-(fml)%3A-ghana-stock-exchange-(gse) Fixed Deposits Offers in Ghana A simple directory that shows Fixed Deposit offers in Ghana /projects-1/fixed-deposits-offers-in-ghana Ghana Stock Exchange: Real-Time Prices Web App V1 A basic web-application to find real time summaries of stocks on Ghana's Stock Exchange (GSE) /projects-1/ghana-stock-exchange%3A-real-time-prices-web-app-v1 Is ignorance truly bliss? Investigating the link between the lack of general information and the conception of the economy in Ghana. Project from 2018 /projects-1/is-ignorance-truly-bliss%3F- Scrapping Oil related articles Run on python via GoogleCollab /projects-1/scrapping-oil-related-articles Smartphone App for University Students An all-purpose app for Ashesi students. Project from 2017 /projects-1/smartphone-app-for-university-students Cocoa Production: Ghana and Ivory Coast - Historic Trend Work in progress /projects-1/cocoa-production%3A-ghana-and-ivory-coast---historic-trend Cocoa Production: West Africa - 2022 Work in progress /projects-1/cocoa-production%3A-west-africa---2022 Cocoa Production: Ghana and Ivory Coast - 2022 Summary of Cocoa Production in Ghana and Ivory Coast in 2022. /projects-1/cocoa-production%3A-ghana-and-ivory-coast---2022 Commentary: Ghana fixes new cocoa price to control smuggling An economic commentary on the Article, "Ghana fixes new cocoa price to control smuggling" /projects-1/commentary%3A-ghana-fixes-new-cocoa-price-to-control-smuggling The Solow Model and Human Capital in Developing Economies How can human capital enrichment lead to long-run economic growth? /projects-1/the-solow-model-and-human-capital-in-developing-economies Dynamic View of Ghana's Unemployment Investigating the trend and segmentation of employment in Ghana /projects-1/dynamic-view-of-ghana's-unemployment Dynamic view of Ghana's Insurance Industry Work in progress /projects-1/dynamic-view-of-ghana's-insurance-industry Snapshot Macroeconomic Summary of ECOWAS States: 2022 As at the end of 2022, this is was the macroeconomic status of each ECOWAS state http://snapshot-macroeconomic-summary-of-ecowas Dynamic Forestry and Agricultural Summary of ECOWAS states Work in progress /projects-1/dynamic-forestry-and-agricultural-summary-of-ecowas-states Financial Performance of Ghana's political regimes from 1960 - 2000 Analysis of Economic Growth in Ghana, 1960 – 2000 – ARYEETEY & FOSU /projects-1/financial-performance-of-ghana's-political-regimes-from-1960---2000 Dynamic view of Ghana's Forestry Work in progress /projects-1/dynamic-view-of-ghana's-forestry Project Name Short Project Description URL Initial margin requirement for Derivative Trading A simplified VaR-based approach to calculate the initial margin requirement for Derivative Trading /projects-1/initial-margin-requirement-for-derivative-trading Expected Loss Calculator A simple tool to calculate the Expected Loss for a credit portfolio. /projects-1/expected-loss-calculator Value at Risk (VaR) for a portfolio Simple Tool using a historical simulation to find VaR Data Visualization of the Dynamic Efficiency of Oil and Gas Production in Ghana A comprehensive tool for understanding the Real-time Efficiency of Oil and Gas production in Ghana /projects-1/data-visualization-of-the-dynamic-efficiency-of-oil-and-gas-production-in-ghana Fixed Deposits Offers in Ghana A simple directory that shows Fixed Deposit offers in Ghana /projects-1/fixed-deposits-offers-in-ghana Do Sustainable Funds in Switzerland outperform the Market? What is the performance of "sustainable" funds in relation to the market? Let's explore the case of the SIX Swiss Exchange /projects-1/do-sustainable-funds-in-switzerland-outperform-the-market%3F Sustainability Dimensions of Stocks on the SIX:Render 3 Quantitatively assessing Brundtland's Dimensions (1987). The case of the SIX ESG Strategies: Passive and Active Management Do the laws of passive and active strategies also affect sustainability investing? /projects-1/esg-strategies%3A-passive-and-active-management Scrapping Oil related articles Run on python via GoogleCollab /projects-1/scrapping-oil-related-articles Sustainability Dimensions of Stocks on the SIX:Render 2 Quantitatively assessing Brundtland's Dimensions (1987). The case of the SIX /projects-1/sustainability-dimensions-of-stocks-on-the-six%3Arender-2 Smartphone App for University Students An all-purpose app for Ashesi students. Project from 2017 /projects-1/smartphone-app-for-university-students Cocoa Production: Ghana and Ivory Coast - Historic Trend Work in progress /projects-1/cocoa-production%3A-ghana-and-ivory-coast---historic-trend Cocoa Production: West Africa - 2022 Work in progress /projects-1/cocoa-production%3A-west-africa---2022 Cocoa Production: Ghana and Ivory Coast - 2022 Summary of Cocoa Production in Ghana and Ivory Coast in 2022. /projects-1/cocoa-production%3A-ghana-and-ivory-coast---2022 Commentary: Ghana fixes new cocoa price to control smuggling An economic commentary on the Article, "Ghana fixes new cocoa price to control smuggling" /projects-1/commentary%3A-ghana-fixes-new-cocoa-price-to-control-smuggling Sustainability Dimensions of Stocks on the SIX:Render 1 Quantitatively assessing Brundtland's Dimensions (1987). The case of the SIX http://sustainability-dimensions-of-stocks-on-the-six%3Arender-1 Dynamic Forestry and Agricultural Summary of ECOWAS states Work in progress /projects-1/dynamic-forestry-and-agricultural-summary-of-ecowas-states Dynamic view of Ghana's Forestry Work in progress /projects-1/dynamic-view-of-ghana's-forestry Project Name Short Project Description URL Hedonic Valuation Model: Real Estate in Zurich With significant portions of banks portfolios consisting of mortgage loans, it is paramount to develop a strong model for valuating real estate. /projects-1/hedonic-valuation-model%3A-real-estate-in-zurich Electricity Consumption as a proxy of production: Draft 1 Using publicly available data on Swiss Power Consumption, this exploration seeks to identify an association with power consumption and select firms output /projects-1/electricity-consumption-as-a-proxy-of-production%3A-draft-1 Do Sustainable Funds in Switzerland outperform the Market? What is the performance of "sustainable" funds in relation to the market? Let's explore the case of the SIX Swiss Exchange /projects-1/do-sustainable-funds-in-switzerland-outperform-the-market%3F Dynamic View of Trading Hours: SIX Swiss Exchange V1 Dynamic View of the opening and closing hours of the SIX Swiss Stock exchange for 2024. Additionally, current summary of the market's activity is stated. /projects-1/dynamic-view-of-trading-hours%3A-six-swiss-exchange-v1 Sustainability Dimensions of Stocks on the SIX:Render 3 Quantitatively assessing Brundtland's Dimensions (1987). The case of the SIX Web scrapping Box Office Sales A python code used to web scrape data from Box Office Mojo's Website. /projects-1/web-scrapping-box-office-sales Sustainability Dimensions of Stocks on the SIX:Render 2 Quantitatively assessing Brundtland's Dimensions (1987). The case of the SIX /projects-1/sustainability-dimensions-of-stocks-on-the-six%3Arender-2 Commentary: Washington’s Decision to “Normalize” Relations with Cuba..." An economic commentary on the article "Washington’s Decision to “Normalize” Relations with Cuba: Impede China’s Growing Influence in Latin America" /projects-1/commentary%3A-washington%E2%80%99s-decision-to-%E2%80%9Cnormalize%E2%80%9D-relations-with-cuba...%22 Commentary: Brexit could lead to recession, says Bank of England An economic commentary on the article "Brexit could lead to recession, says Bank of England" /projects-1/commentary%3A-brexit-could-lead-to-recession%2C-says-bank-of-england Sustainability Dimensions of Stocks on the SIX:Render 1 Quantitatively assessing Brundtland's Dimensions (1987). The case of the SIX http://sustainability-dimensions-of-stocks-on-the-six%3Arender-1 Project Name Short Project Description URL How much time do I have left? - Version 2 Visualizing and Quantifying our most valuable asset: "Time"; Version 2 Prisoner's Dilemma: Player 2 Allowing users to participate in Robert Axelrod's 1980 Computer Tournament. /projects-1/prisoner's-dilemma%3A-player-2 Game Theory: Prisoner's Dilemma Strategies Tools Recreating and Simulating Robert Axelrod's 1980 Computer Tournament. /projects-1/game-theory%3A-prisoner's-dilemma-strategies-tools How Much Time Do I have left? Visualizing and Quantifying our most valuable asset: "Time" /projects-1/how-much-time-do-i-have-left%3F Hollywood Boulevard to Wall Street: Futurism in Movies and Tech-Stock Prices This study investigates the relationship between the box office sales of futurism-themed movies and the performance of the tech stock index. /projects-1/hollywood-boulevard-to-wall-street%3A-futurism-in-movies-and-tech-stock-prices Electricity Consumption as a proxy of production: Draft 1 Using publicly available data on Swiss Power Consumption, this exploration seeks to identify an association with power consumption and select firms output /projects-1/electricity-consumption-as-a-proxy-of-production%3A-draft-1 Dynamic View of Trading Hours: SIX Swiss Exchange V1 Dynamic View of the opening and closing hours of the SIX Swiss Stock exchange for 2024. Additionally, current summary of the market's activity is stated. /projects-1/dynamic-view-of-trading-hours%3A-six-swiss-exchange-v1 Web-Scrapper V1: Web Application Web Application for web-scrapping news articles /projects-1/web-scrapper-v1%3A-web-application Is ignorance truly bliss? Investigating the link between the lack of general information and the conception of the economy in Ghana. Project from 2018 /projects-1/is-ignorance-truly-bliss%3F- Alternative Data Regressor: V1 A Python Program to attain a linear regression of some alternative data against financial asset prices . A CSV file is the input. The output is the regression results. /projects-1/alternative-data-regressor%3A-v1 Alternative Data Regressor Framework: Flow Chart A framework for linear regression of alternative data against financial asset prices - the flow chart /projects-1/alternative-data-regressor-framework%3A-flow-chart Paradox of Choice and Utility Maximization: Music Traditional Asset Pricing models are conceptually based on utility maximization. However, what about the role of the quantity of choices in utility maximization? /projects-1/paradox-of-choice-and-utility-maximization%3A-music Web scrapping Box Office Sales A python code used to web scrape data from Box Office Mojo's Website. /projects-1/web-scrapping-box-office-sales Alternative Data Regressor Framework: Draft 1 A framework for linear regression of alternative data against financial asset prices /projects-1/alternative-data-regressor-framework%3A-draft-1 Scrapping Oil related articles Run on python via GoogleCollab /projects-1/scrapping-oil-related-articles Proving the Butterfly Effect Within the context of metreology and physics, we can explore the butterfly effect /projects-1/proving-the-butterfly-effect Scrapping Data using Python A Python application designed to generate a histogram depicting the frequency of articles published on Google News in 2022 concerning '@celebjets'. /projects-1/scrapping-data-using-python Google News Scrapper Scrape Google News articles for a particulair keyword and date range /projects-1/google-news-scrapper

  • SustainabilityV4 | Akweidata

    Profit is the only Green : Visualization of Swiss Stocks & SRI portfolios Sustainability BY SEAN AKWEI ANUM Abstract Socially Responsible Investing (SRI), which is increasingly popular, emphasizes social and environmental factors in investment decisions to promote sustainability. In theory, SRI outperforms, especially in the long run. While practitioners typically remain skeptical, this unique return-based sustainability assessment of Swiss Stocks demonstrates SRI’s over performance and ability to promote sustainability. Research Question Is SRI a significant means of promoting Sustainability? Sustainability, per the 1987 United Nations Brundtland Commission, means meeting present needs without compromising future generations, involving social, economic, and environmental aspects. In investments, it translates to SRI, blending social and environmental factors into investment decisions. This project seeks to quantitatively depict these sustainability dimensions for stocks and SRI portfolios on the SIX (Swiss Stock Exchange). Methodology Data Proxies The data required deals with the three sustainability parameters for each stock on the Swiss Exchange: Environmental, Social and Economic. Company Name Environmental Score Social Score Economic Score The Quantitative proxies are as follows: 1. Environmental: An ESG rating with a numeric individual score (pillar) for a firm’s environmental impact; 2. Social: An ESG rating with a numeric individual score for a firm’s Social impact; 3. Economic: a risk-adjusted measure of the firm’s expected return: Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) Visualizing Three Parameters A 3D plot was chosen to visualize three quantitative parameters, effectively showing their relationship and intersections. Stocks with high environmental, social, and economic scores are classified as “Sustainable,” while those with low scores are deemed “At Risk.” Stocks with scores between these extremes are categorized as “Acceptable.” The final visualization seeks to visualize the relative distribution of individual stocks & SRI portfolios regarding the three parameters. Hence, a standardized score for each parameter was used. The logic was to ensure that all parameters could be drawn down to a somewhat “equal” scale, thus ensuring an informative visual effect. Constructing SRI Portfolios Using the collected individual stock data, four SRI funds were created: Negative Screening: This SRI fund excludes investments in companies or sectors that do not meet specific ethical, environmental, or social criteria. Best in class: This fund selects companies that outperform their peers in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria within each sector. Thematic Approach: This fund focuses on specific sustainability themes or sectors, such as renewable energy or social justice. ESG integration: This fund incorporates ESG factors into traditional financial analysis to identify risks and opportunities not captured by conventional methods. Data Sources Data was collected for each of the three parameters. Data was attained via the Thompson Reuters financial market portal Refinitiv Eikon. Environmental Pillar Score (ESG rating) Measures a company’s impact on living and non-living natural systems, including the air, land and water, as well as complete ecosystems. Social Pillar Score (ESG Rating) Measures a company’s capacity to generate trust and loyalty with its workforce, customers and society through its use of best management practices. Economic Pillar Score ( Beta) A measure of how much the stock moves for a given move in the market. Note, the Economic score was further computed with the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), which is CAPM = Risk-free rate+Beta*(Risk Premium), where risk-free rate and risk premium in Switzerland is 1.135% Source: World Government Bonds and 5.5% Source: NYU respectively. Data was collected based on completeness. As such, despite the SIX listing 250 stocks, the project at hand uses 187. One stock, IGEA Pharma NV, was excluded as it was an extremely negative outlier that terribly affected the scale of the entire visualization. Constructing “Sustainable” and “At Risk Criteria” The Sustainability Criterion was defined as Environmental Score ≥ 70 (out of 100), Social ≥ 70 (out of 100); and Economic score ≥ 6.64% (Average Market Return). Consequently, the standardized scores were 1.05, 0.83 and 0, respectively. At Risk Criterion was defined as : Environmental Score ≤ 30 (out of 100); Social ≤ 30; and Economic score ≤ 3.34% (one standard deviation below Market Average Return). Consequently, the standardized scores were -0.30, -0.68 and -1 respectively. Conditions are based on core financial theories. Data for SRI Portfolios Regarding the Negative Screening and Best in Class Approach, using the ESG data collected, I easily constructed said portfolios. However, for the Thematic Approach and ESG integration, I replicated existing funds employing these strategies. They are the “Ethos Swiss Governance Index Large” and the “ETHOS II - Ethos Swiss Sustainable Equities -A” respectively. Final Visualization The graph is interactive. Average-sized points represent a stock on the Swiss Exchange. The bigger Orange points represent SRI portfolios, and the Big Black point represents the Market Average. Results and Conclusion Market’s Performance The sustainability cuboid includes 11% of stocks and three-quarters of SRI strategies, whereas the at-risk quadrant contains 6% of stocks. The general market performance is deemed acceptable, with many stocks nearing the Sustainability cuboid. Despite needing substantial progress, these findings indicate a promising trend towards sustainability in the Swiss Stock Market. SRI Performances To answer the Research Question, SRI funds appear to promote sustainability. This is supported by the visualization showing 3 out of 4 strategies as sustainable. Contrary to expectations, “ESG Integration” is the only strategy classified as non-sustainable. In theory, the best strategy should be “ESG integration”, whereas the other three are seen as simplistic and lacking a nuanced ESG assessment concerning market returns. My paradoxical result likely arises because, unlike simpler strategies, “ESG Integration” involves more subjective and active management, leading to significant performance variations among different managers. Testing this hypothesis with another fund using “ESG Integration” yielded a “Sustainable result”, highlighting the classic debate between active and passive management but now within SRI. Concluding Remarks Ironically, firms with controversial reputations like Nestle, UBS, and Credit Suisse have good non-economic scores, while Cantonal banks unexpectedly show low scores. This raises questions about how these public entities might be causing more social and environmental harm and calls for a deeper examination of the legitimacy of ESG scores.

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  • - Draft 1 | Akweidata

    < Back - Draft 1 Restructuring & Simplifying "Frankenstein codes" With the emergence of LLMs alongside the traditional sources of community shared codes (Stackoverflow, Github, etc), most coding projects are nothing more than Frankenstein codes - code generated by picking up sections from various sources and combining them together into one project - notoriously common for unskilled programmers or coders wishing to maximize productivity. "" is an AI-powered web application designed for coders. It takes full code submissions and, using guided objectives, logically restructures the code to simplify it while ensuring the output remains exactly the same as the original. Additionally, the application includes a citation tool that tracks and cites open-source contributions and other sources from which the code is derived. Logical Breakdown: Code Simplification allows users to input full code submissions, which are then analyzed and restructured using advanced AI algorithms. The primary goal is to ensure that the simplified code produces the same results as the original. Additionally, the platform provides a detailed narrative explaining the changes made during the simplification process. Citation Tool To enhance transparency and accountability, tracks the sources of code snippets used in the simplification process. It automatically generates citations for open-source contributions and displays these citations alongside the simplified code. Technology Stack Frontend The frontend of is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, with frameworks like React.js or Vue.js. For a more robust structure, Next.js or Nuxt.js frameworks are employed. Backend The backend is developed using Node.js with Express.js or Python with Flask/Django. AI and ML models, such as TensorFlow or PyTorch, are used for code analysis and restructuring. The database management relies on MongoDB or PostgreSQL. AI/ML Natural Language Processing (NLP) is utilized for understanding code objectives, while machine learning models identify and apply code simplifications. Version Control & Deployment For version control, GitHub or GitLab is used. The application is containerized using Docker and orchestrated with Kubernetes. Deployment is managed on platforms like AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure. Development Plan Research & Planning Initial steps include conducting market research to understand the target audience's needs and defining the specific objectives and requirements for the AI algorithms. Planning the user interface and user experience is also crucial. Design & Prototyping Wireframes and mockups for the web application are created, followed by the design of the UI/UX to ensure a seamless user experience. AI Algorithm Development This phase involves developing and training AI models to analyze and simplify code, as well as testing these models on various code samples to ensure accuracy. Backend Development Setting up the server environment and database is essential, along with developing API endpoints for code submission, analysis, and retrieval. Frontend Development The user interface is developed based on the designs, implementing features for code submission, viewing simplified code, and displaying citations. Integration & Testing AI models are integrated with the backend, followed by thorough testing to ensure the application works as expected. User testing is also conducted to gather feedback. Deployment & Maintenance The application is deployed to a production environment, with continuous monitoring for any issues and regular maintenance and updates. User Flow Code Submission Users can submit their code through a user-friendly interface, allowing them to provide guided objectives for the AI to focus on. Objective Setting Users specify what they want the AI to focus on during the code analysis. Code Analysis The AI analyzes the code, restructures it, and ensures the output remains the same. Simplified Code Display Users can view the simplified code along with a narrative explaining the changes. Citation Display Citations for code sources are displayed alongside the simplified code. Potential Challenges Ensuring the AI can handle various coding languages and styles is a significant challenge, along with maintaining the accuracy and reliability of the AI's code simplification. Properly attributing sources and managing citations to avoid plagiarism is also crucial. Previous Next

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